
Engineering & Energy Solutions

Eco Engineering and Energy Solutions “EcoSol” is a leading energy, water and sustainability consulting headquartered in Amman- Jordan. EcoSol has been involved in developing sustainable solutions in Jordan and the Middle East to help clients in meeting the sustainability aspects in a techno-economical and cost effective way .

EcoSol team members are experts in their fields with proven experience and achievements on both the local and regional levels. Among themselves; EcoSol team are founders and active members in several related organizations whether in locally or globally such as the Jordan Energy Chapter in coordination with the Association of Energy Engineers (USA), US Green Buildings Council (USA), Jordan Environmental Society and more.

energy saving

soler energy

LED Lighting

Water Saving


Key strengths of

The EcoSol team

EcoSol possess highly qualified experts in the Jordan market green buildings and sustainability aspects at all levels which will bring the following strengths to the project team :

Accredited professionals

Accredited Professionals (LEED APs) who are the leaders in the Green Building movement in Jordan and the region.

Certified energy managers

Certified energy managers (CEMs) who possesses a long track record in energy efficiency.

Certified renewable energy professionals

Certified renewable energy professionals with excellent experience in the Jordan RE market.

Demand side management experts.

Demand side management experts.

Leading status

Leading status in Jordan’s green building and sustainability consultancy sectors.

Water efficiency experts

We have Water efficiency experts in our team .

energy saving

solar energy

LED Lighting

Water Saving



EcoSol Logo

Eco Engineering and Energy Solutions “EcoSol” is a leading energy, water and sustainability consulting headquartered in Amman- Jordan.

Contact Us

28 Khaleel Al-Salem St, Tla' Al Ali

+962 6 533 00 70

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