EcoSol was contracted by Al-Ahlyyia Amman University to supply LED Lighting to the university site at Amman, where the 6,000 T8 Fluorescent Tubes had been replaced by T8 LED Tubes in order to save energy and improve Lighting Level in the university facilities. Additionally, all external floodlights in university had been replaced by ne high efficient LED floodlights.

EcoSol has supplied about 350 LED U-bulbs to the university student housing, where new LED lamps saved about 65% of the old lighting electrical energy consumption.

LED Tube 8 W and 18 W

LED U-Bulb 8 W

LED Floodlight 100 W

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Eco Engineering and Energy Solutions “EcoSol” is a leading energy, water and sustainability consulting headquartered in Amman- Jordan.

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